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New Zealand Sri Lanka Buddhist Trust (NZSLBT)

Administration of Sri Lankaramaya
NZSLBT is the administrative arm of Sri Lankaramaya, New Zealand, incorporated as a Charitable Trust in 1999 under the provisions of The Charitable Trusts Act 1957. NZSLBT carries responsibility for all administrative matters of Sri Lankaramaya, including the financial management involving its affairs. The Trust Deed details out the scope of operation. As a member of the Charities Commission, the NZSLBT fulfils its obligations in performing its activities. The chief incumbent of Sri Lankaramaya is the Patron Monk of the NZSLBT. The NZSLBT. Based on a financial year ending 31st March, the NZSLBT has its monthly meetings, while the Annual General Meeting is usually held during the month March.
In order to facilitate smooth functioning, NZSLBT has a committee structure in place, whereby six committees, headed by a trustee with the specific skills needed for related activity are supported by a large number of enthusiastic and active members from the community. Additional committees will be set up for specific projects when a need arises.