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Religious Services

Devotees of Sri Lankaramaya are very fortunate to have the services of four resident venerable monks to attend to their religious needs away from home.


Regular Religious Activities

Sri Lankaramaya hosts regular religious activities, including Full Moon Poya Day observances, monthly meditation retreats, and various celebrations.


Community Services


At Sri Lankaramaya, we are dedicated to serving the community and fostering a sense of togetherness. Throughout the year, we organize various community services.



At present over one thousand books are available in the library which caters to the young up to senior citizen.


Coming Events


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Our History

Weekly Schedule

Temple is open every day from 8.00 A.M. to 8.00 P.M. Except on Friday, where it is open from 8:00 A. M. till 8:30 P.M. If it is necessary to perform.

Tuesday ධම්මචක්කපවත්තන සුත්‍ර සජ්ජායනාව සවස 7:30
Thursday බෝධි පූජාව සවස 7:30
Sunday දහම් පාසල - 9:00 ‌ෆෙයාබර්න් විදුහල් ශාලාවේදී


Our temple entirely depends on donations made by devotees. You also may make a donation to support the temple. Donations may be made by Regular Monthly Payments, direct deposits and cheques. You can also place your donation in the donation box at our temple.

Regular Monthly Payments

Please load an Automatic Payment to our bank account if you use internet banking or download the automatic payment form, complete and take it to your bank.

Direct Deposit

You may also make a direct deposit to our bank account.

Please make sure that you send us an email message to with your contact details so that we can acknowledge your donation.

Bank Account Details

New Zealand Sri Lanka Buddhist Trust

ASB Bank

Acc: 12 3083 0317217 00

Kind note: Please enter you First Name and Last Name for references.