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Ven Sri Lankan Monk’s visit for World Buddhist Sanga Council – March 2024

The World Buddhist Sangha Council (WBSC) is a global organization of various Buddhist denominations worldwide. 

Formed in 1966, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the council serves as a platform for communication and cooperation among Buddhist traditions, fostering mutual understanding and unity in diversity. The WBSC’s founding was based on the idea that despite the diversity of Buddhist doctrines, a common thread unites all Buddhists. Its vital role includes promoting Buddhism and addressing issues impacting Buddhists globally.

The 11th general conference of the Council was held in Auckland, New Zealand from 6th March 2024. Over 50 ven Sri Lankan monks arrived in Sri Lanka for the council. Sri Lankaramaya organized many hospitality activities to welcome them.


Dane for all ven Sri Lankan monks on 2nd March 2024

On the advice of chief incumbent Thero of Sri Lankaramaya, most ven Walgama Munindawansa Thero, and the help of resident monks of Sri Lankaramaya, the New Zealand Sri Lanka Buddhist trust and the devotees offered Dane for the visiting Ven Monks on 2nd March 2024. Ven Monks were escorted to the Fairburn school hall for Dane by a ceremonial possession organised and performed by Sri Mihindu Dahampasala. Over 45 Monks participated in Dane, one of the most extensive Dane offerings in New Zealand.

Some highlights of perahara and dane
Group photos after Dane on 2nd March

Ven Theros posed for a group photo after Dane, including one with New Zealand Sri Lanka Buddhist Trust members and one with some of the devotees.

Photo with NZSLBT members
WBSC President and other officials visit Sri Lankaramaya

The President of the World Buddhist Sanga Council and other officials visited Sri Lankaramaya on the 5th of March 2024 and met with Ven Munindawansa Loku Hamuduruwo.

Dane on 6th March at Ambula Restaurant

On the 6th, Ambula restaurant provided Dane at their premises.

Day trip to Rotorua

A day trip was organized for ven Monks to visit Rotorua.

Dane on 10th March 2024 by Mihindu Dahampasela

Sri Lankaramaya-affiliated Sri Mihindu Daham Pasela organized the Dane on 10th March. The students performed ceremonial duties, including offering Dane, a role traditionally done by adults.