2024 සැප්තම්බර් 29 - කෙසෙල් කොළේ බත් පාර්සල් බෙදාහැරීම 29 September 2024 - Rice on Banana leaf delivery
The Sri Lanka New Zealand Buddhist Trust organized a fundraising event to support the maintanance of the temple. In this event, the community had the opportunity to pre-order rice packets wrapped on banana leaves, which could…

Sri Lankaramaya celebrated the 25th anniversary of the temple in 2024. This was included in all the ceremonies Sri Lankaramaya had in 2024, including World Buddhist Sanga Council event Wesak Sathiya Poson celebration The last part of the celebration was to begin with the start of Poson Sathiya on 23rd June, and ended with the…

Wesak Sathiya 2024 at Sri Lankaramaya commenced on 19th May 2024. This year’s Commemoration included Sil Programs for Wesak day and weekends, Dharma Desana (Buddhist sermons) in the evenings and Dansels

Sri Lankan Cultural Festival and Food Fair celebrating the arrival of Sinhala and Hindu New Year 2024!
සිංහල සහ හින්දු අළුත් අවුරුදු උදානය 2024
The Sinhala New Year is a special time for all Sri Lankans to come together with their families and celebrate traditional customs. Last year, the Sri Lankaramaya in New Zealand organized…

Events related to Word Buddhist Sanga Council Conference in Auckland
There is staging environment for updates named srilankaramaya.org. This has been setup as an WordPress staging environment, and a DNS entry is created under srilankaramaya.org domain.
Do not update the srilankaramaya.org site directly. Staging and site has to be kept in sync. Any direct updates done directly on site will be overwritten when stage…

Established in 1999, Sri Mihindu Dhamma school has come a long way to become what it is today. The main purpose of the dhamma school is to educate the younger Sri Lankan generation in Buddhism, Sinhala Language and Sri Lankan culture.

2023 ඔක්තෝබර් 8 - කෙසෙල් කොළේ බත් පාර්සල් බෙදාහැරීම
8th October 2023 - Rice on Banana leaf delivery
Fundraising Event The Sri Lanka New Zealand Buddhist Trust organized a fundraising event to support the renovation of the temple kitchen. In this event, the community had the opportunity to pre-order rice packets wrapped on banana leaves,…

DharmaFest served as a platform for various Dharmic communities, including Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, and Sikh, to come together and showcase their unique contributions to Aotearoa New Zealand. The event emphasized unity, pluralism, and harmonious coexistence. It featured traditional prayers, blessings, and engagement with spiritual representatives from these communities. The event was open to the…

වෙසක් පොහොය නිමිත්තෙන් වාර්ෂිකව සිදු කෙරෙන වැඩසටහන් මාලාව - The annual program celebrating Wesak
created by dji camera